Sunday, February 15, 2009

Redfern Client Project

The real-world client project provides an exciting opportunity to use our group's creativity and talents in a useful application. For a while, I thought coming up with a group name was going to be the toughest part of the assignment, but we finally settled on Pro-Health in recognition of the nature of our project. So far our group has basically discussed what aspects of the healthy campus initiative and our client's needs we are interested in addressing. I think that as a group we want to pursue promoting good nutrition, as well as help market the organic farm so more students know about it and the availability of the products of the farm. Personally, I did not know about the student organic farm before the client visit. I believe that there is a genuine demand for healthy, organic foods within the student population, and if we were able to make more students aware of the organic farm's products, both regular students and the farm itself would benefit.

I think my biggest concern at this point is that our group is being overly ambitious. We need to narrow the focus of our project, because our current discussions involve combining about four smaller, individual projects. I'm afraid if we continue to pursue everything that we as a group are interested in we will be unable to do a thorough job on any one aspect of the project. I would rather focus on a simple project emphasizing the importance of good nutrition for students and the availability of healthy, organic farm products. I had the idea to make a video featuring a student preparing a healthy recipe, and think it would be most interesting if the cooking was done in one of the many residence hall kitchens on campus. Perhaps if we made such a video we could obtain ingredients from the organic farm, film its location, and discuss it's products and purpose. This is just one idea that we came up with. Hopefully, after we discuss our project further we will be able to limit the scope of our focus and provide Redfern and the healthy campus initiative with a product it will be able to use.

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